
Large-scale Raman-nonlinear spectroscopy imaging system

Working scope:35 cm×35 cm ; Spatial resolution:~500 nm
Excitation wavelength: ①514 nm CW ②1064 nm Pulse Width 10 ps ③1550 nm Pulse Width 500 fs

Atomic force microscopy

Type: Asylum Research Cypher S; Scan range: XY axis 30 um, Z axis 5 um; Resolution: XY axis 60 pm, Z axis 50 pm;
Compatible with Scanning Kelvin Microscope (SKPM), Electrostatic Force Microscope (EFM) ; capable of atomic level imaging

Scanning tunneling microscope-low energy electron diffraction system
(Jointly developed with Ying jiang's research group)

Tip-sample distance drift is less than 0.1 pm/min
Circuit noise background as low as 5 fA/Hz1/2

In-situ ultrafast spectroscopy with spherical aberration electron microscope system
(Jointly developed with Xuedong Bai's research group)

Spatial resolution of spherical aberration electron microscope:~100 pm
Ultrafast pump-probe time resolution:~500 fs

Liquid Helium Cryogenic Measurement System

The cryostat temperature is adjustable from 4K to 350K, liquid helium refrigeration, homemade

Low temperature transport test platform

Current accuracy:0.1 fA ; Voltage accuracy:0.5 μV ; Minimum operating temperature:80 K

Micro-area absorption spectroscopy system

The wavelength range of supercontinuum light source covers 410~2400 nm,total power>3600 mW
Micro-area test systemx,y,z direction accuracy up to 5 nm,range 20 um

Confocal Scanning Spectroscopy System

Working scope:100 um×100 um ;Spatial resolution:~0.3 nm
Excitation wavelength:①532 nm CW ②633 nm CW ③400~2300 nm Pulse, Pulse Width 120 fs.

Ultrafast Nanospectroscopy Characterization System

Spectral Physics Ultrafast Laser System
Repetition frequency 80 MHz,Pulse Width 150 fs,Wavelength range 400 nm~2300 nm

Coherent Ultrafast Laser Systems
Repetition frequency 250 KHz,Pulse Width 150 fs,Wavelength range 400 nm~2500 nm

Chemical Vapor Deposition System

Maximum operating temperature:1600℃