

刘开辉课题组长期从事量子材料制备与光学器件物理研究,擅长发展全新的方法和开发先进的技术以实现科学突破和技术创新。团队自主设计米级单晶制造装备、搭建单个量子材料单元水平的超快光谱学表征系统、开发量子材料光学器件。近年来,在二维量子材料表界面生长调控,米级单晶薄膜通用制造技术,表界面耦合物理及量子器件、光学芯片和声学芯片方向取得了系列研究进展。近年来发表SCI论文100余篇 (google引用率>17,000,h因子70),其中包括通讯/第一作者文章:Nature (3篇),Science(3篇), Nature Nanotechnology (7篇),Nature Photonics (2篇),Nature Physics,PRL(2篇), Nature Materials,Nature Chemistry,Nature Communications (9篇),Advanced Materials (14篇),JACS (4篇),PNAS (2篇)和Science Bulletin (5篇)等。



研究亮点 & 新闻

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  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"Ultrafast growth of single-crystal graphene assisted by a continuous oxygen supply" 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2   Link3   Link4
  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"Far-field nanoscale infrared spectroscopy of vibrational fingerprints of molecules with graphene plasmons"发表在Nature Communications.    Link1
  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"High-Resolution Tracking Asymmetric Lithium Insertion and Extraction and Local Structure Ordering in SnS2"发表在Nano Letters.
  • 201606: 刘开辉研究员作为课题组长承担 国家重大研发计划 (原973计划).
  • 201605: 我们的邀请综述文章"Structure–property relations in individual carbon nanotubes"发表在Journal of the Optical Society of America B.
  • 201603: 我们的研究文章"Tuning the photo-response in monolayer MoS2 by plasmonic nano-antenna"发表在Scientific Reports.
  • 201603: 我们的研究文章"Ultrafast Nonlinear Photoresponse of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: A Broadband Degenerate Investigation"发表在Nanoscale.
  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"Optical Anisotropy of Black Phosphorus in the Visible Regime"发表在 JACS.
  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"High-Throughput Determination of Statistical Structure Information for Horizontal Carbon Nanotube Arrays by Optical Imaging"发表在 Advanced Materials.    Link1
  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"Observation of Strong Interlayer Coupling in MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures" 发表在 Advanced Materials.


  • 201510: 我们的研究文章"BN-Enabled Epitaxy of Pb1–xSnxSe Nanoplates on SiO2/Si for High-Performance Mid-Infrared Detection"发表在Small.
  • 201509: 我们的研究文章"Atomic-Scale Probing of the Dynamics of Sodium Transport and Intercalation-Induced Phase Transformations in MoS2"发表在ACS Nano.
  • 201509: 我们的研究文章 “Surface-Facet-Dependent Phonon Deformation Potential in Individual Strained Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons” 发表在 ACS Nano.
  • 201508: 我们的研究文章 “Photovoltaic Effect and Evidence of Carrier Multiplication in Graphene Vertical Homojunctions with Asymmetrical Metal Contacts” 发表在 ACS Nano.
  • 201508: 刘老师被选为“优秀青年”.
  • 201506: 我们的研究文章"Strong Second-Harmonic Generation in Atomic Layered GaSe"发表在JACS.    Link1
  • 201506: 我们的研究文章"Single-Crystal Atomic-Layered Molybdenum Disulfide Nanobelts with High Surface Activity"发表在ACS Nano.


  • 201411: 我们的研究文章 “Three-Dimensional Spirals of Atomic Layered MoS2” 发表在 Nano Letters.    Link1
  • 201410: 我们的研究文章 “Van der Waals-coupled electronic states in incommensurate double-walled carbon nanotubes” 发表在Nature Physics.    Link1   Link2
  • 201409: 我们的研究文章 “Evolution of interlayer coupling in twisted ​molybdenum disulfide bilayers” 发表在Nature Communications.
  • 201405: 我们的研究文章 “Systematic determination of absolute absorption cross-section of individual carbon nanotubes” 发表在PNAS.
  • 201403: 我们的课题组成立啦!
  • 201401: 刘开辉研究员获得2014年度“国家海外高层次人才引进计划”.


  • 201311: 刘老师的研究文章 “High-throughput optical imaging and spectroscopy of individual carbon nanotubes in devices” 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2   Link3
  • 201301: 刘老师的研究文章 “Quantum-coupled radial-breathing oscillations in double-walled carbon nanotubes” 发表在 Nature Communications.
  • 201205: 刘老师的研究文章 “An atlas of carbon nanotube optical transitions” 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2
  • 200901: 刘老师的研究文章 "Chirality-Dependent Transport Properties of Double-Walled Nanotubes Measured in Situ on Their Field-Effect Transistors" 发表在 JACS.    Link1   Link2